Post by Stephen Horowitz, Professor of Legal English

I’m an experienced legal English teacher. Or at least I think I am. But how much do I really know about how LLM students (and other foreign-trained lawyers and law students) learn and improve their legal English? Probably not as much as the students and lawyers themselves.
This post is to try and help gather information directly from real learners about what has helped them learn and improve their legal English.

For any current, former or future LLM students and/or for any foreign-trained lawyer or law student who has ever tried to improve their legal English
1. What kinds of things have been most helpful to you in improving your legal English? For example, what strategies or tricks or adjustments or approaches? Our courses? Or books or podcasts? Or anything else in particular that you’d like to mention?
2. What, if anything, has not been helpful?
3. Of the helpful things, did they help more with the “legal” or more with the “English”?
4. What advice or suggestions or recommendations would you make for others trying to improve their legal English?
Please post your responses in the comments below. Or, if you prefer, you’re welcome to email your thoughts to me at and I can post them anonymously for you.