Master of Laws Interviews Season 2: Finale: Lucas Loviscek International Arbitration Partner Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP

How did he rise to the top in international arbitration at BigLaw?

When Lucas came to the U.S. to pursue his LLM, he planned to work in the U.S. for a year or two before heading home. He was able to secure a position at Quinn Emanuel, the prestigious and the largest law firm in the world devoted solely to business litigation and arbitration. Eight years later, he never regretted his decision.

By Yi Song

Lucas Loviscek, International Arbitration Partner

Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP

How did he rise to the top in international arbitration at BigLaw?

When Lucas came to the U.S. to pursue his LLM, he planned to work in the U.S. for a year or two before heading home. He was able to secure a position at Quinn Emanuel, the prestigious and the largest law firm in the world devoted solely to business litigation and arbitration. Eight years later, he never regretted his decision.

What did he do before and during his LLM to set him on the path of success? How did he land his first job? How did he use his previous connection to secure a position at BigLaw? What’s his advice on how to successfully network during law school to secure your post-graduation job offer?

Subscribe to the LinkedIn weekly newsletter to receive FREE insider tips. Read Lucas’ story here.

Master of Laws Interviews Project Season 1: Episode 6: How did a multilingual professional dancer find her calling in public interest law?

Posted by Yi Song

Gabriela Rendon
Staff Attorney at Gender Equality Law Center

How did a multilingual professional dancer find her calling in public interest law?

Gabriela Rendon, Esq. first came to the U.S. to pursue her career as a professional dancer with Martha Graham School in New York City. Fluent in English, Spanish and French, she studied law in Argentina and France. Eventually she found her calling in public interest law at Gender Equality Law Center.

How did she turn her post-graduate fellowship into a permanent position?

How did she find a career that enables her to do impactful and meaningful work?

Why is it important for lawyers to keep a creative outlet?

Subscribe to the LinkedIn weekly newsletter to receive FREE insider tips. Read Gabriela’s story here.
