Master of Laws Interviews Season 2: Episode 6: Monica Murayama International Arbitration Attorney, Steptoe & Johnson LLP

By Yi Song

How to network and ace your BigLaw interview with a personal touch?

For most internationally trained lawyers, the job search in the U.S. begins on Day One of their LL.M. Program. For Monica, it started from Day Zero. She started searching for jobs in the summer before her LL.M. program began. She dedicated eight months to meticulous research, networking and interviewing with potential firms that could hire her. A Brazil-trained lawyer fluent in Portuguese, French and English, Monica had countless coffee meetings with BigLaw partners specializing in international arbitration. Some generously shared their own career journeys, while others were more blunt, “I have five minutes. What do you want?”

One day, while preparing for one of these informational interviews, Moica discovered that the senior partner who was to interview her had lived in Brazil for six months some thirty years ago. She seized this connection to add a personal touch to their conversation. Today she’s working with the partner at Steptoe & Johnson specialized in international arbitration.

How did she jumpstart on networking from Day Zero to land a prestigious externship? How did she turn the externship into a permanent position at another renowned firm? What’s her strategy to network with partners at BigLaw and effectively following up with them? How can you add a personal touch to the daunting process of networking?

Subscribe to the LinkedIn weekly newsletter to receive FREE insider tips. Read Monica’s story here.

Master of Laws Interviews Season 2: Episode 5: Ignacio Zabala Alonso, International Arbitration Lawyer licensed in NY, Spain and England & Wales, McDermott Will & Emery

By Yi Song

How did he turn his BigLaw externship into a post-graduation job offer?

When Ignacio walked out of his first interview for a competitive externship position, he wasn’t feeling optimistic. He was thrown off his pace by the interviewer’s first question: “So, do you have any questions for me?” He managed to get hired as an extern anyway in the International Arbitration Group at McDermott Will & Emery. The externship later turned into a long-term position that allowed him to stay with the firm after he graduated with his LLM degree.

How did he turn things around during the interview, even if he felt like he started off on the wrong foot? How did he turn the externship into a long-term position? What is expected of an internationally trained lawyer like Ignacio in BigLaw? Being a licensed attorney in Spain, England & Wales, what’s Ignacio’s take on the work culture difference between BigLaw in the U.S. and in Europe?

Subscribe to the LinkedIn weekly newsletter to receive FREE insider tips. Read Ignacio’s story here.

Master of Laws Interviews Project Season 1: Episode 8: How did he land an externship at BigLaw?

Haohan Wang applied to 25 externship positions and received 15 interview invites and 3 offers.

Haohan Wang received his first law degree in the UK. He studied and worked in Beijing, London and Brussels. What are the top networking tips that landed him an externship position at BigLaw?

Posted by Yi Song

Haohan Wang

A UK-trained Lawyer from China and Legal Extern at Paul Hastings

How did he land an externship at BigLaw?

Haohan applied to 25 externship positions and received 15 interview invites and 3 offers.

Haohan Wang received his first law degree in the UK. He studied and worked in Beijing, London and Brussels. What are the top networking tips that landed him an externship position at BigLaw?

How did he find the inside information about what specific skillsets certain firms are looking for?

How did he navigate the differences in business cultures, while working for White & Case representing a state-owned enterprise in China?

What does it mean to “think like a lawyer” while ordering dinner?

Subscribe to the LinkedIn weekly newsletter to receive FREE insider tips. Read Haohan’s story here.

Master of Laws Interviews Project Season 1: Episode 7: How did a LinkedIn influencer secure his externship at BigLaw?

Posted by Yi Song

How did a LinkedIn influencer secure his externship at BigLaw?

Pushkar Keshavmurthy, a LinkedIn influencer before he even set foot in law school, is the third-generation lawyer in his family. He’s dedicated to establish a career in international arbitration.

How did he jump start on building his professional network before he even set foot on the U.S. soil?

How did being a LinkedIn influencer help him land his externship at King & Spalding?

How did he demonstrate to his future employer that his previous experience add value to the firm?

Subscribe to the LinkedIn weekly newsletter to receive FREE insider tips. Read Pushkar’s story here.
